
Here are some of the projects I'd like to share
logoJson Tree

Visualize JSON data format in form of a tree or graph. Application is made using Nextjs, Tailwindcss and Monaco Editor. Design image can be downloaded from this app.

logoCrypto Tracker

Keep track of projects and tasks in different categories. Drag and drop card from tables. Assign user and priority to task and many more features. This app is made using Reactjs, Typescript, Tailwindcss and React-beautiful-dnd library.

logoNft Digital Web 3

Nft Web 3 modern design in normal html css with quite animation GSAP locomotive js with pagination features

logoMy portfolio

My personal portfolio website made using Nextjs, tailwindcss and framer motion.

logoOBYS Agency

Clone of obys agency top notch design with gsap animation locomotive js

I am currently building new projects and learning backend development to expand my skill set beyond frontend.

Visit my github to see some of the latest projects Github